Photography & Production Services



I am in my element when working in my studio to be totally in control of your environment gives you endless creative possibilities. Understanding light and how it comes together with your subject and creative composition to create stunning images gives me a real buzz.



Having travelled extensively around the UK working in all sectors on many of the country's major projects I have gained a vast amount of experience and knowledge and seen some amazing things. Location photography encompasses many areas from the public sector to industry, architecture, construction, just to name a few they say variety is the spice of life and I totally agree.



What better way is there to survey your construction projects progress than a detailed monthly aerial flight or photographing your site or property to show its links to vital transportation networks. We fly in a Robinson R44 helicopter for greater manoeuvrability and more accurate site positioning. There is nothing like being up there with Captain Phil at 1,500ft on a beautiful sunny day.